A B O U T  C O O K I E S

This website uses cookies.

By clicking “Accept”, you agree to our use of cookies as outlined in the following cookie policy. If you do not agree to our use of cookies, you need to change your web browser cookie settings.

A cookie is a small text file stored on your web browser. Cookies store information that is useful for when you visit the website. We use cookies for web analytics to understand how the website is used by visitors to make the website as useful as possible.

We do not monitor how individuals use the website. We do not, therefore, store any personal details, (name, email, IP addresses, or similar), in our cookies.

This website uses Google Analytics web analytics tools 
We want to base improvements we make to this website on how visitors use it. We therefore use analytics tools to identify potential improvements.

The cookies that Google Analytics uses on this website store information about:

  • Date and time you first visit the website
  • Date and time you last visited the website
  • Date and time your current visit started
  • Number of times you have visited the website
  • A unique ID for your web browser
  • How you found the website (traffic sources)

Manage your cookie settings to prevent cookies from being stored on your browser
If you do not want this website to store cookies on your web browser, you can take any of the following steps:

  • Delete cookies from your web browser at any time
  • Change your web browser settings so that cookies are not stored
  • Download a plugin to your web browser so that Google Analytics will create cookies for your web browser or track how you use the website but not on any other website you visit. Read more at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

If you have questions about how this website uses cookies, please contact us.