SEPSON – World Class Winches since 1900
Sepson is one of the leading manufacturers of hydraulic vehicle-mounted winches in the world.
Sepson is one of the leading manufacturers of hydraulic vehicle-mounted winches in the world. Starting at the beginning of the last century, Sepson winches have spread around the world performing heavy duty pulling work with extreme reliability under all conditions, in tropical heat as well as in arctic cold.
The master smith Sars Erik Petterson founded Sepson in 1900 in the deep forest of Dalarna, in the middle of Sweden. He became famous to be a responsible and competent innovator. He made high quality tools and handling equipment for the surrounding forestry industry, where pulling and lifting heavy logs and timber still are key activities.
Through the old tradition of skilled workmanship this part of Sweden has become a centre of industrial activity. The combination of the handcraft tradition, high technology research and development, and the care for the natural environment is the hallmark of Swedish business and Sepson. Today Sepson manufactures reliable, dependable and uncomplicated vehicles-mounted winches with EN ISO 9001 certified quality system.

The Swedish heritage of high quality, high-tech and heavy duty.